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He's man worked at vintege shop called 'MESA'.
(but is's closed now).
He has 2 dreams;
be a vintage shop staff,and
be a musician ( he's good guitarist.).
He has been thinking
which way he should select,
but not decided it for some years.
I happened to catch the call from him some days ago,
he told
'Hi Rei,I wanna something to give you.
do you have a time to meet?'
So I met him under the maidenhair tree at
Omote-sando avenue,and
we enjoy toalking.
'it was so sochked for me
I heard MESA was closed
from my boss.
but I think it is the signal
from god to select my own way.
...Yes,I decide to choose to be a musician.'
He game me a self made CD
he made some months ago.
I hope his dream comes true.